Βάση για αρωματικά στικς Deni Carte
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- Τρόπος χρήσης
Μάρκα: Deni Carte
Σειρά: aromatherapy
Ομάδα προϊόντων: αρωματικές λάμπες
Φύλο: unisex
Κατηγορία: mass market
Χώρα προέλευσης: Πολωνία
Παρασκευασμένο: Πολωνία
Discover the beauty and functionality of a resin incense burner with a lid, perfect for creating a relaxing and spiritual atmosphere in your home. The resin incense burner is not only a practical item for burning incense but also an elegant decorative piece that brings an aura of peace and harmony to your interior.
This incense burner is styled to resemble an antique bronze censer. It is richly adorned with numerous details and reliefs. The lid of the censer is carved with lotus flowers, suggesting a connection to Buddhist or Chinese culture.
The sides of the censer are embellished with reliefs depicting mythical creatures, such as dragons and other fantastical animals, which often hold deep symbolic meaning in Asian cultures. Dragons symbolize strength, wisdom, and protection, while the lotus flower is frequently a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and rebirth.
The entire incense burner is designed in colors reminiscent of antique bronze artifacts, giving it an elegant and traditional appearance. Such items are often used in religious rituals, meditations, or as home decorations, creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony.
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